Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Pandora Bracelet Review

 Pandora Bracelet Review 

Charm on Website 
Hey everyone just wanted to do a quick review on this new pandora bracelet I received a week ago.
My Bracelet 

Since I put it on I haven't removed it. I managed to separate myself and the bracelet to take a quick picture of it for you all. Its so easy to pair with any kind of outfit because its black and has a simple style to it. the braided detail doesn't show up that much but once you notice it, it adds a little edgy vibe in your look.

Pandora Bracelet on website 
I'd recommend the silver charms because then it makes it a lot easier to pair with in outfits making the bracelet available for an everyday look. That way you can easily add another bracelet to your look or rings and it wont look too busy mixing tones, if the majority of your other rings and bracelets are silver that is. If not then go for it! Gold isn't really what I usually wear so I avoid investing in pieces such as this one in the metal, because I know I won't get the same use out of it as I would it were silver.

Thought I would add another picture incase you couldn't see very clearly what the bracelet looks like in the picture I took.
 Heres a few links incase any of you guys are interested 

Bracelet - http://www.pandora.net/es-es/explore/products/bracelets#!590705CDB-D
Charm -   http://www.pandora.net/es-es/explore/inspiration/create-combine/bracelet-designer?itemnumberid=791190


  1. You know, I've always been curious about the Pandora jewelry but never had the time to pop into one of their stores. I loved seeing a post reviewing one of their pieces. I finally got to see it up close! Very pretty. :o)


    1. They have such nice pieces of jewellery! Thanks so much for checking my post out x

    2. They have such nice pieces of jewellery! Thanks so much for checking my post out x

  2. Very interesting blog, looking forward to more wonderful! swarovski crystal jewelry
